Dictionary of Medical Terms

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All terms that start with the letter B
  • biopsy

    Removal and exam of a tissue sample taken from a living body. This procedure helps determine if the tissue is…

  • bipolar affective disorder

    A psychiatric disorder in which the affected person has both depressed and happy, energetic (manic) episodes. This is a newer…

  • blackhead

    A dark-topped plug of fatty material in the opening of a hair follicle. The color is the result of exposure…

  • blackout

    1. Short-term loss of vision and consciousness. 2. In an alcoholic person, loss of memory for a period of…

  • bladder

    The organ that temporarily stores a substance. Commonly used in reference to the urinary bladder, which holds urine until it’s…

  • blepharitis

    Inflammation of the eyelid.

  • blepharoplasty

    Plastic surgery on the eyelid.

  • blindness

    Loss of vision. Legally, visual acuity less than 20/200 with glasses.

  • blister

    Buildup of watery or bloody fluid under the skin.

  • blood

    The fluid circulating through the heart, arteries and veins. Blood is responsible for transporting oxygen to body tissues, carrying waste…

  • blood poisoning

    Infection within the circulatory system. A potentially life-threatening condition that requires prompt treatment.

  • blood pressure

    The pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels.

  • boil

    A skin infection characterized by a localized buildup of pus.

  • bone marrow

    The tissue within the cavity of the bones where new blood cells are made.

  • Borrelia

    A class of disease-causing bacteria that includes the organisms that cause relapsing fever and Lyme disease.

  • botulism

    An extremely dangerous form of food poisoning caused by the toxin of Clostridium botulinum.

  • bovine

    Having to do with cattle. For example, bovine insulin is insulin obtained from cattle.

  • bowel

    The tube involved in digestion and extending from the stomach to the anus. Consists of the small intestine and the…

  • Bowen's disease

    A precancerous skin condition that first appears as psoriasis-like scaling.

  • bowleg

    A deformity of the legs in which the space between the knees is greater than normal.

  • brace

    A device used to support a body part, correct or prevent deformities, or control movement.