Slow heart rate and pulse, usually slower than 60 beats per minute.
Braxton Hicks contractions
Contractions of the uterus during pregnancy that are sometimes mistaken for labor. Also called false labor.
Milk-secreting glands protruding from the upper front part of a woman’s body.
breech birth
A birth in which the feet or buttocks of the baby appear first through the birth canal.
A structure that joins two parts. For example, a dental bridge contains artificial teeth and joins the natural teeth at…
Bright's disease
Nephritis. A group of kidney diseases manifested by albumin in the urine and edema (swelling).
The tubular passages, also called bronchial tubes, that carry air into the lungs.
An infection of the bronchioles, the tiny air tubes in the lungs.
Inflammation of the bronchi.
Contraction of the muscle in the walls of the bronchi.
bronze diabetes
A disorder of iron metabolism resulting in iron pigment deposits in the skin and other body tissues that causes a…
An infection characterized by fluctuating fever, headache, anemia and vague physical discomfort that’s transmitted to humans from domesticated goats, pigs…
Discoloration of the skin due to a buildup of blood in the underlying soft tissues. Also called a contusion.
Grinding of the teeth.
A swollen, infected lymph node (especially in the groin). The node may enlarge enough that it begins to drain through…
Buerger's disease
Blockage of medium-sized blood vessels in the hands and feet by clotting and inflammation. This process causes severe pain and…
An eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by vomiting or use of laxatives. Usually caused by a variety of…
Localized swelling of the big toe at its joint with the foot.
A small, fluid-filled sac that allows one part of a joint to move freely over another part.
Inflammation of a bursa.